Sales as Service

February 25, 2014 — Leave a comment

Hello Tigers!

My name is James Pippin, Director of Business Development at TigerLead.  If I haven’t met you before, I look forward to the opportunity at this year’s upcoming TigerLead Success Summit, our annual customer event (April 23 & 24 in Las Vegas).  I work in the Business Development Department helping new TigerLead customers purchase licenses for lead generation, and always welcome the chance to assist you however I can.

This week, I wanted to cover a concept that is likely very familiar to many of you–the idea that sales is a service profession, and specifically, how you can use Service Based Selling to engage your “dead” leads and turn them into active clients.

So, let’s look at things from the client point of view.  There are two things you can assume about your potential customers:

  • They have not gotten all their needs met in the real estate world, and they have decided that you, someone like you, or something like your webpage can help them.
  • They don’t know anything about you.  You’re a stranger.  In fact, you’re a stranger they met via the internet who is calling and emailing them.  Scary stuff.

So, your follow ups have to build trust, becoming less “stranger-like” and more friendly. You also have to constantly remind your customers that they have needs, problems, issues that you can help them with, that you can make easier, and that you can resolve.

These follow ups should demonstrate value without any sales pitch, but with an offer to help further that builds trust and asks them to engage with you.  Following are three different examples of follow up emails.

This first example email “helps” by giving information about upcoming open houses, but also reminds the customer that you are paying close attention to the market.

Good afternoon David,

I wanted to let you know that the Mount Washington neighborhood has had an unusually large number of homes coming on the market this month–around 45–and several of those are in the $400,000-$450,000 price range.  

In fact, there are 6 open houses scheduled this weekend in a 1 mile radius.  Would you like me to send you the addresses of those properties, and the times they are open?

Hope you and your family are well!


The next email “helps” by making the customer aware of an easier way to search for homes (a feature that is, indeed, coming soon!), while reminding them that there are probably homes they would miss if they didn’t use your webpage.

Hi Ann,

You may have seen this already, but on my search website, you can now search for homes on the mapping feature itself.  In fact, you can draw a shape around the neighborhoods in which you want to search, and the system will display all the homes for sale on the map itself, in that area.

Have you had a chance to try this out?  Let me know if you need your password reset or any help logging back on to the search site.

Have a terrific weekend,


This final example “helps” by providing an article about a topic in which the customer likely has an interest, while reminding them that you are a source of knowledge about pricing in the market.

Good morning Ashley,

I hope you’re having a good start to the year!  I wanted to ask if you would like a copy of the 2013 “Renovations That Pay Off” report?  Our office received them specifically for the Los Angeles market this week.  It details the updates to homes in our area that pay off the most in terms of return on investment.  There are some surprises in the report, so I wanted to offer to pass it on.

Just let me know what email address to send that to, if it’s of interest.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Best regards,


How long should you continue coming up with new email follow ups that are professionally persistent and helpful?  As long as it takes.  This means follow up with your leads until they buy from you!  Or, until they ask you not to contact them anymore.  Remember, your leads needed you at one point, and every time they get a new, helpful email in their inbox, it makes you more and more like a friend and less like a stranger.

Finally, to ensure that your messaging comes across as service oriented and not sales oriented, I recommend that you try this type of follow up using a simple plain-text email, just as if you sat down at your computer and typed it up specifically for that person. These days, everyone is so used to formatted “fancy” emails that a simple plain-text email with no odd formatting can be the digital equivalent of sending someone a personal letter.  It’s a simple, meaningful human contact that subtly begs a response–and with that response, an opportunity for you to engage them in their real estate search.

– James Pippin, Business Development

Keeping leads incubated is exceedingly important. Sure, some leads that come along will already have a twinkle in their eye and a checkbook in their hand but other leads take a little time to warm up. To help keep those leads fresh, there’s no substitute for customized emails and tailored follow up.  But, having another method of following up with your leads is one of the most important tools in your tool belt.

Of course, all of your leads will be getting daily or weekly listing emails sent from your Paws dashboard, which is a great way to keep leads in the home-buying or home-selling mood. But a lot of our clients are using other CRM systems to follow up with leads automatically. We want to make sure that your TigerLead system is able to integrate as seamlessly as possible with any CRM systems you already use or plan to use in future, and so we have set up some easy integration options.

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If you’re using TopProducer, Infusionsoft or InterSend the exporting of leads is very easy. If you click on your name at the upper right of the Paws dashboard, then click on “Settings” you’ll see some links that let you set up lead exports.

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From there you just need to fill in some account details for those services and then you’ll be able to export any lead you want! Just click on the lead’s name on the dashboard and go to the bottom of the left hand column. Under “Tasks” you’ll see the option to Export. The system will even keep a record of which leads you exported before and when you did it!

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If your team is using another CRM system besides the three mentioned above another option is to use the Export To Excel option in Paws. This does exactly what it sounds like, sending the leads that you are currently viewing into an Excel (.csv) file which most CRM systems will then be able to import from.

Making use of these options means that you have the ability to adjust your quantity of contact based on which of your leads would benefit from more frequent follow up and which leads would prefer a more infrequent, personalized approach.

If you have any questions about setting up integration please contact our client services team and we’ll be happy to help!

-Dave Martin, Client Services

TigerLead’s goal is to help you grow your business, and that includes growing and challenging yourself and your team, the heart of that business. We have some fantastic tools on the Paws Dashboard that give you the power to set concrete goals for yourself or your team, strive for continuous improvement and maintain accountability, none more so than our Performance Dashboard.


The focus of the Performance Dashboard is making sure that every lead is receiving prompt and persistent phone follow up, and tracking that follow up over time. The dashboard calculates metrics on a weekly and monthly basis for each Paws user and tracks how quickly leads are called and how many calls have been logged per lead in the given time frame. These two metrics in particular give you insight into the immediacy and persistence of your follow up, both crucial for success with internet leads.

The Performance Dashboard also gives you a quantitative basis for setting goals for your own or your team’s follow up and for seeing how you are meeting or exceeding those goals. Seeing that you have called your leads 25% more quickly than last week is more satisfying and more motivating than “I think I’ve been quicker about calling my leads this week.”

Performance Dashboard Week to Week 2

You can start by setting high expectations in your written follow up system. If you’re following our 10 Steps to High Conversion and looking at your Performance Dashboard for the previous month, you should be seeing time-to-call ratios around 15-20 minutes or less and at least 6 calls logged per lead. If that’s not the case, it’s time to take a deeper look. You can click on the name of a month or a specific week and see exactly which leads haven’t been called and use the notes in the lead’s file to find out why. Of course, your written system should be outlining the standard response. From there, it’s time to set more ambitious and challenging goals and look for continuing improvement. This can take the form of friendly office competition to see who can follow up fastest, for example.

Performace Dashboard Week to Week

However, any analysis is only as good as the data that goes into it, so here are some simple ways to make sure your Performance Dashboard is accurate:

1. Call your leads as soon as you can and log every call. If it wasn’t logged, it didn’t happen.

2. Not in the office when you get a new lead? Log the call in Paws Mobile to reduce your time to call.

3. Make sure to select the “Phone” activity when logging a call. If you accidentally logged the call as a note, the dashboard will not count it.

4. Log a call for discarded leads. Even if the phone number is wrong, log a phone activity with a note that the number is incorrect to ensure that all of your leads are marked as called.

If you’ve got questions on how your Performance Dashboard works, or would like some ideas on how to use it for goal-setting and motivation, just contact Tiger Support!

gailey photo

Hello Tigers, and happy holidays!  We hope you’re keeping warm out there!

This week we bring you the firsthand experience of one of our highest-producing TigerLead licensees, Rhonda Gailey.  Rhonda holds several licenses in Georgia, and started with Tiger in early 2013.  Rhonda’s dashboard is a thing of beauty and her team is a well-oiled machine, so we asked her to share her story and her top TigerLead tips with you!

Rhonda decided to pursue a TigerLead license as part of a plan to grow her business – she was looking for a way to change things up and came across some great testimonials from our licensees.  Rhonda and her team have stellar follow up and as a result, she started seeing a return on her investment right away – she wrote her first TigerLead contract on the third day of her license, and closed with her first lead 59 days after her launch date.  The secret to Rhonda’s follow up?  “I responded like lightning and didn’t try to discard or ‘rate’ the lead. In other words, even if it was a low end price point or didn’t seem urgent, I worked every lead equally and aggressively.”

gailey quote

With three licenses, Rhonda is a very busy Tiger:  “I have been in the biz for 20 years and never seen anything like it. You have to keep plowing the fields though. I work like a crazy person but love it and Tiger!”  So of course it’s important to have a plan of attack – Rhonda recommends taking the following steps first thing, every time you log into the dashboard.  First, check your Priority Leads (for each license, if you need to) – every one of Rhonda’s Priority Leads always has a flurry of activity logged.  Second, check the Activity Log for each agent to stay on top of your team.  Finally, pull reports.  The “Reports” section of your dashboard offers a number of single-click searches you can run to find leads who have overdue follow-up, leads without double contact (both phone and email), and leads that meet certain criteria, like a buying timeframe of the next 90 days.  As a team manager or an agent, these three steps will give you a good idea of the condition of your dashboard on any given day and what sort of follow up you should expect to be doing.

Rhonda also has a basic system in place for when she receives a new lead notification.  “If I’m with a client, I stop and shoot out an email asap, then follow up with call as soon as I’m available.  If I’m available, I call right away and follow up with an email or text – even if I speak with them.”  Paws Mobile can be particularly valuable when trying to keep track of your follow up when you’re away from the office.  It makes it easy to take a few moments to send an email from your dashboard using your phone, even when you’re with a client – because remember, responding “like lightning” is key!

Beautiful businesswoman sending a text while driving

And finally, here’s the best advice Rhonda thinks a new Tiger could receive – her four “DON’Ts” that keep you focused, prevent leads from slipping through the cracks, and boost that enviable ROI!

Don’t expect every lead to be perfect!  Rhonda’s team initially works every lead that comes in with the same effort, without “rating” the leads, but makes sure to also prioritize follow up for the leads that are active and responsive.  Mark their contact info valid or invalid, update their status, and keep moving!

Don’t discard leads! Rhonda says she’s closed at least 2-3 clients this year that came in as rentals – she put them in touch with her lender and they worked as a team to get the leads qualified to purchase.

Don’t turn your phone off!  You can’t respond to lead notifications right away if you don’t see them right away.  The first ten to fifteen minutes are often crucial, so make sure you are able to reach out to the leads as quickly as possible!

Don’t NOT follow up!  You’ll never close a sale for a lead that you don’t follow up with.  You never know if that low price point lead has a pack of cousins to refer you to for your superb service, or if the 888-999-0000 phone number would be super responsive by email.  Reach out to your leads and reap the rewards!

Our thanks go out to Rhonda for sharing her Tiger tips with us, and for allowing us to share them with you!

Venetian Hotel

We’ve got our best Summit ever coming up on April 23rd and 24th, and you can book your rooms now! The Summit is being held at the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas, and we’ve negotiated a super-low rate for our guests at the Venetian and Palazzo.

More information on the 2014 Success Summit, including a link where you can RSVP, will be coming soon, and if you’d like to book early please email or call 888-844-3744 for information on how to do that.

Remember that this year’s Summit will be open to agents as well as licensees, so if you’d like to bring your team along, feel free!

Thank you very much, and we’ll see you in Vegas!

Using the Email From My Account Function


Everyone has a particular email account that they’ve been using for years. It’s a comfortable, familiar tool where you can keep all your saved templates and your automatic signatures set up just how you like them. It’s where your emails can be organized neatly into folders, where the important emails can be marked with stars, and the unimportant ones can be assigned to the trashcan. It’s where you can have everything just the way you like it. And we want to make sure that you can bring all of those benefits with you to your Paws Dashboard when it comes to working your leads.

The Email From My Account function is one of the methods we provide for communicating with leads and logging the information on the dashboard, while at the same time letting you use your own email account.

The first step is to set up the Email From My Account function so that it opens up to the email provider you use. This is based on the settings of your computer, tablet or smartphone. The option you would need to change is called the “mailto”. So, for example if the email you use is Gmail and the internet browser you use is Internet Explorer you can find out how to set it up by doing a Google search for “mail to gmail internet explorer”. If you’re not sure about how to make the change please let TigerLead’s Client Services team know and we’ll be happy to help!

 paws email from my account

Once you have it set up, you can go to any lead’s page on your Paws Dashboard, click the Email From My Account link, and your own email account will open right up. While the sheer value of customized emails can’t be overstated, having your own templates saved can be a great framework to build on! You can also add attachments, such as contracts. You can include links, such as videos. You can use saved, customized signatures with any logos, photos or e-cards you want to include. And even though you’re sending it from your own inbox, any text in the email will be saved in Paws so that you have a record of it.

Using your own email account together with Paws’ logging system gives you the best of both worlds when it comes to communicating with leads. As usual if you have any questions our Client Services team is always ready and happy to help.

-Dave Martin, Client Services

Managing your team through Paws

Having the right team is incredibly important to success, and here at TigerLead we want to make sure you have all of the tools you need so that each team member is as comfortable as you are at using the system, whether they are a rookie or a seasoned veteran.


Adding a new user or modifying an existing user is as simple as going to the Team Management tab on your dashboard and selecting Add/Edit Users from the drop-down menu.

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From here you have control over every aspect of the user’s account. You can ensure that they are getting the notifications they need to be able to follow up with leads as quickly as possible, you can make sure that their email signatures are professional and informative, and most importantly you can decide how much access they have. Do you want the new agent to have the same access as you with the ability to see all of your leads, reassign leads and add new users themselves? Then you can simply check the Licensee Access box.

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Some smaller teams work well with just one team leader with Licensee access and every other member focusing only on those leads that have been assigned to them. Other teams might be a little larger and may benefit from having multiple Licensees able to keep an eye on the performance of individual members and the team as a whole. You, as a team leader, have the responsibility and the capability to decide who in your team deserves to have the same level of access to the leads as you do.

Once you have your team fully set up it’s time to decide how the leads are assigned. While smaller teams can work with a team leader manually assigning leads or with an ISA contacting every lead, larger teams may need to make use of TigerLead’s automatic lead distribution. To find this option on the dashboard you would need to click the Team Management tab and then select Lead Distribution from the drop down menu.

Our automatic lead distribution system gives you a range of options for making sure each team member is getting their fair share of the lead flow. It’s not just a practical way of distributing leads but you can also use it as an incentive tool. One team member is outshining the rest? Why not put him on the lead distribution two times so he’s getting twice as many leads as anyone else? On the flip side, if a team member isn’t pulling their weight you can give them a “time out” from the lead distribution for a while. A TigerLead lead is a valuable thing, so it’s important to make sure that the agent you are assigning it to has earned it!

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If you give your agents the chance to access leads, you can see if they rise to the occasion or fall behind. Using these tools to make sure the agents have that chance is one of the keys to success.


-David Martin, Client Services

Building Team Culture

October 7, 2013 — Leave a comment

Building a team culture

The team that works together, closes together! While individual agents may be doing well, the potential for each individual agent is raised when there is a team attitude. Here are a few things to think about when it comes to building a team culture for your business.

Dream board with Year of the TigerSet Team-Oriented Goals

Gather the team together to think about where you want to be in one year. Set goals that are specific, measurable, and on a timeline. For instance, one team goal might be to close twice the number of deals in 2013 as were closed in 2012. Aim high for your goals. Inspire agents to have something to reach for. One way that Nicki Conway and Susie Hall cultivate that aspiration is to have agents create “Dream Boards” with pictures representing personal investments they would like to make with the increase in business – trips, financial benchmarks, etc. Visible reminders of your goals within the office can have a powerful effect. Even something as simple as writing the goals up on a whiteboard or having a picture of a favorite vacation spot up for agents to see every day can remind them what they are working toward.

Bring the Team Together

Two heads are better than one, and five heads are better than two.  Weekly brainstorming sessions are a great way to share effective strategies, scripts, and tips. Agents can talk through obstacles they may come across and share how they’ve overcome them. Group meetings can also be an opportunity to make lead follow up more fun. As Susie Hall’s team has seen, text messaging all of your leads can be much less of a chore when you’re gathered together for tacos and enjoying the time together. Bringing agents together can also give them an opportunity to practice their approach to the leads. Do some role playing: have one agent pretend to be a lead and another agent speak to them as if they were reaching out over the phone. The “lead” can then give the agent feedback on the conversation.

Maintain Team AccountabilityDream board with ferocious tiger (1)

The Performance Dashboard can help you track team improvement. By setting goals regarding a team average and then posting the graph of your team average on a weekly basis, you can show your agents a visual representation of their progress. When everyone is held accountable to the same standards and they can see how their performance affects the team, this can be powerful motivation for follow up!

We are very confident that building a team culture results in building up your business. If you have any questions about how you can encourage this within your office, please feel free to reach out to us!

-Ashley Castro, Client Services Team

Most of us make lists of tasks to keep organized, so creating a task list to help you follow up with your leads just seems like common sense. A written follow up system is key to the success of our top-producing clients, so we made it the centerpiece of our best practices. Each of your leads is an investment, and you want to ensure that every lead gets the best possible follow up, because any lead that slips through the cracks is money that’s being left on the table.

Note: For the full best practices webinar, check the support menu in your dashboard!

Your written follow up system is more than just a task list to keep your follow up organized. The best written follow up systems lay out clear and totally unambiguous expectations for an agent. That means being very specific and anticipating common responses or problems and laying out how to deal with them.

For example, we recommend that leads receive 6 calls and 6 emails by the time they’ve been in the dashboard for 30 days, and we recommend following up each time a lead logs back into your search site. That seems clear enough, but when should those leads be called and emai

led? Should a call be immediately followed by an email or should the email be sent at a different time altogether? How quickly do you want to get a phone call out to the new lead? How long do you wait to follow up with a lead that’s recently returned to your site? These are some of the questions you want to make sure your written follow system is answering.

You also want to make sure you include how you’d like to approach these leads. Include some talking points or email scripts that you’d like to use and the best situations to use them in. Spelling out exactly how many minutes you have to follow up with a brand new lead and how many for a lead who has recently logged back into your site seems like a small detail, but it prevents confusion down the line.

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Your written follow up system is also about creating accountability. Part of the system should lay out both consequences for falling short of the expectations you’ve set, and the rewards for exceeding them! For example, you may want to take away leads from a team member who’s falling behind or reward a star performer with some leads with higher price points for a certain period of time. You’ll also want to consider how you’re going to evaluate whether your goals are being met and describe the evaluation process in your system as well.

A crucial part of your system should be how to log follow up activities in the Paws dashboard. The dashboard has several tools to help you check your performance, including the performance dashboard, our suite of reports and the activity log. But none of these will be of use if the follow up that you’ve been doing isn’t at your fingertips. You can also use this data to set daily, weekly, or monthly quantifiable goals and create metrics to match against them.

Need help creating a written follow up system for yourself or your team? Just contact Client Services and we’d be thrilled to answer your questions and provide some helpful resources. We’d also be more than happy to use our expertise to make suggestions or give feedback on your existing system!

– Danielle Carne, Client Services Team

You know the drill. You log into Paws and check your leads. Then you see it: A new lead with a price point a few hundred bucks shy of your weekly dry cleaning bill. Even worse, she is searching listings in a town that Stephen King probably used as the inspiration for “Salem’s Lot.”

Bad price point. Bad area. Your first instinct is ignore the lead. Too much work for too little pay-off.

But what if you embrace the sweet science of suggestive selling?

TigerLead TalkA British writer nicknamed boxing the “Sweet Science” because although it is a violent sport, its most skillful practitioners followed the disciplines of controlled aggression, strategy, and planning.

Selling real estate is (hopefully!) less painful than a right cross to the kidney, but it can be just as confrontational as a boxing match, especially when the lead’s desires seem at odds with the Realtor’s.

The lead may think they want the cheapest possible home, which often means those located in the least desirable neighborhoods. The Realtor wants to service the lead and turn them into a client, but also to maximize their return on investment.

That’s where the sweet science of suggestive selling comes in to play.

Suggestive selling is integral to the Realtor/ Client relationship. Buying a home is a complex and stressful transaction for the client. A dizzying deluge of data floods the Web, which overflows with information about listings, market trends, home prices, mortgage rates, school district ratings, etc.

Suggestive selling means helping the client cut through the chaos.

Remember: You know more about home prices and neighborhood quality than the lead does. Most leads that enter Paws through your search site are not sure what they are looking for or where to look. Make their experience better by suggesting to them homes and neighborhoods that are not only in line with reality, but will ultimately land them in the home of their dreams, not their nightmares.

The goal is to cultivate the lead. To use the tracking and reporting features in Paws to uncover the lead’s long-term needs and desires. To focus her attention and goals on finding not the house she thinks she wants but the home she actually needs.

A great example of the sweet science of suggestive selling came to us from Jane Ford, a TigerLead client for over 3 ½ years in Outer Banks, North Carolina.

Jane recently closed a $1.3M deal in Pirates Cove, a community so small that we do not even advertise it for her. Pirates Cove is in the town of Manteo, one of Jane’s keywords. However, the lead came in off the “Corolla” keyword: a town that is an hour north of Manteo.

In Paws Jane noticed the lead was searching only in Corolla. When she called the lead he said he had friends in Corolla and that is where they recommended he search. Moreover, his average price point of $500,000 would not get him much value in high-end Corolla. Since the Outer Banks is a second home market with very particular communities, Jane realized she needed to educate the lead about the area. She began to push listings from other towns on the Outer Banks but the lead was not interested: too far away from his friends in Corolla. Besides, Corolla was supposed to have the best sport fishing in the area.

Sport fishing? That caught Jane’s attention. The Outer Banks is renowned for fishing, but the listings the lead was searching were not right for an avid fisherman. Jane began to push listings from marina communities, regardless of location. When she showed him the listing in Pirates Cove the fisherman was, well, “hooked.”

With suggestive selling Jane focused what was really important to the lead.  He bought outside his initial area of interest, an hour from his friends, and at a price 2.5 times greater than what he was initially going to pay.

Another powerful example of suggestive selling comes to us from Michael Thornes, a TigerLead client for over 2 ½ years in Seattle, Washington.

Michael was excited to license TigerLead in King County, WA. The area is one of our most requested and there is a long wait list.  He went “live” on 3/26/2011, ready to start making money in one of the hotter real estate markets in America.

On 4/11/2011 a lead registered on his TigerLead site after searching for vacant land properties at – wait for it — $3,500, $7,500, $15,000, and $20,000.

Vacant land? In Seattle? At that point a lot of Realtors might send out a perfunctory email, give a courtesy call, then chase down Microsoft, Boeing, and Amazon heirs looking to buy a little 6-bedroom love nest for $3 million on Lake Washington.

TigerLead Talk | BusinessmanNot Michael. He called the lead. Left a message. Called again. Left a message. Called again and got through. He discovered the lead was a first-time buyer with no clue what properties were going for or what price range of home she could qualify for.

Unless you’re a feral cat or a clump of ragweed chances are you are not going to find your dream home in a vacant lot in Seattle.  But Michael was persistent and practiced the sweet science of suggestive selling.

Michael put the lead in touch with his preferred lender, got her pre-approved, and together they started looking at homes. He pushed listings from Paws.  She was not happy with any homes in the $100,000 range so he slowly bumped up her listing criteria until he got her to a maximum comfort level of $200,000.

At that price point they quickly found a home the lead loved. It was bank owned. They looked at it the first day it was on the market, wrote an offer that night, and the bank accepted their offer. They closed on 6/11/2011.  So in less than 2 ½ months after signing up for TigerLead Michael had his first closing and a $7,000 commission.

Jane’s and Michael’s success stems from their adherence to suggestive selling best practices. They are assertive without being pushy, persistent without being obnoxious. They incorporate a diligent strategy of guiding the lead towards a sale through their use of technological tools and old-fashioned communication.

To excel at suggestive selling you must be patient. Don’t get caught up in the lead’s initial search criteria. Call all leads no matter what your pre-judgment might be based on limited information available to you before you talk to them.

Finally, have a positive attitude. Suggesting with a friendly personality and humor will power sales while winning client loyalty for years to come.

A fantastic example of a positive attitude coupled with suggestive selling comes to us from Diane and Rich Lucas, TigerLead clients in western Washington. Their buyer agent, Robert Dummitt, recently replied to a lead that had registered on their site under the name ‘Snow White.’

“Hey Snow!

Just checking in to see how everything is going out in fantasy land! I hear you’ve had a stalker that keeps coming by the house trying to pawn off their rotten apples so I can completely understand you looking for a different hovel! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you find the right place! Also, keep in mind that if you plan on bring all 7 dwarves with you to look at any houses you’re interested in there’s going to be a few ground rules. You’re going to have to hold Dopey’s hand the whole time, can’t let him crash in to things and breaking them. Try to keep Grumpy’s negative attitude at a minimum, it can really bring down the whole crowd. Sneezy’s probably going to have to stay in the car, or at least bring tissues with him so we don’t get any homeowners sick. Also, is Doc going to be on the loan? If so you’re probably going to be able to see some really awesome homes!”

Well done, Robert. Tough to top that!

Please share with us your suggestive selling success stories. They inspire us all.

-Seth Gross, TigerLead Business Development